Funds A-Z.

The International Open Investment Range can invest in any asset which meets UK HMRC regulations subject to meeting our admissibility restrictions, this provides access to a universe of over 10,000 funds.

Use our simple filter process below to search for available funds. Please note that the list is not an exhaustive list of funds available within our International products and funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available.

Further queries on fund availability should be directed to our Governance Team ( Please include the relevant fund ISIN number(s) and a copy of the fund prospectus where available.

Funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available. Please be aware that the selection of any fund not on the listing below (especially any domiciled outside the UK) may require us to satisfy additional anti money laundering requirements or complete additional documentation, which could result in delays to your investment instructions being processed.

Canada Life International legacy products, ‘Dimensions Preference’ & ‘Portfolio Account Alpha’, are limited to the “International Core Plus Range” which enables policyholders to select funds in this listing only.

Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) DAC policyholders may not be able to access the fund or specific share class in this online listing.

Fund Information current as at 06/02/2025.


This is not a consumer advertisement. It is intended for professional financial advisers and should not be relied upon by private customers or any other persons and is subject to change.

  • The adviser is responsible for ensuring that funds selected meet clients needs and remains accessible with permitted assets.
  1. Documents
Fund group Fund name
Asset type Currency ISIN
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Adventurous Growth Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD940B45 GB00BD940B45 BD940B4 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Adventurous Growth Class R Inc Income GBP GB00BD940925 GB00BD940925 BD94092 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Balanced Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD93ZP09 GB00BD93ZP09 BD93ZP0 -
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Balanced Class R Inc Income GBP GB00BD93ZN84 GB00BD93ZN84 BD93ZN8 -
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Balanced Income Class R Inc Income GBP GB00B68F5S16 GB00B68F5S16 B68F5S1 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Cautious Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD93ZC79 GB00BD93ZC79 BD93ZC7 -
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Cautious Class R Inc Income GBP GB00BD93ZB62 GB00BD93ZB62 BD93ZB6 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Cautious Income Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B6WYG696 GB00B6WYG696 B6WYG69 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Cautious Income Class R Inc Income GBP GB00B3TJ5697 GB00B3TJ5697 B3TJ569 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Defensive Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD93Z160 GB00BD93Z160 BD93Z16 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Defensive Class R Inc Income GBP GB00BD93Z053 GB00BD93Z053 BD93Z05 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Growth Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD940032 GB00BD940032 BD94003 -
Barclays Barclays Multi-Asset Growth Class R Inc Income GBP GB00BD93ZZ07 GB00BD93ZZ07 BD93ZZ0 -
Barclays Barclays Sterling Corporate Bond Class M Inc Income GBP GB00B14PK634 GB00B14PK634 B14PK63 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Sterling Corporate Bond Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B4TJCV01 GB00B4TJCV01 B4TJCV0 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays Sterling Corporate Bond Class R Inc Income GBP GB00B6SPRV88 GB00B6SPRV88 B6SPRV8 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays UK Alpha Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B6TRT400 GB00B6TRT400 B6TRT40 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays UK Alpha Class R Inc Income GBP GB00B51BVV49 GB00B51BVV49 B51BVV4 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays UK Equity Income Class R Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B44VWM29 GB00B44VWM29 B44VWM2 Factsheet
Barclays Barclays UK Equity Income Class R Inc Income GBP GB00B3YM4B14 GB00B3YM4B14 B3YM4B1 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Eastern Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B9M3QP66 GB00B9M3QP66 B9M3QP6 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Eastern Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B85JKH42 GB00B85JKH42 B85JKH4 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Europe Select Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BKXBBL77 GB00BKXBBL77 BKXBBL7 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Europe Select Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B7NB1W76 GB00B7NB1W76 B7NB1W7 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited European Growth Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B8DDXV30 GB00B8DDXV30 B8DDXV3 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited German Growth Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B9M3QX41 GB00B9M3QX41 B9M3QX4 -
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited German Growth Class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BX8ZV605 GB00BX8ZV605 BX8ZV60 -
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited German Growth Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B8DDY871 GB00B8DDY871 B8DDY87 -
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Global Agriculture Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B3B9VD63 GB00B3B9VD63 B3B9VD6 Factsheet
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Korea Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B9M3RQ49 GB00B9M3RQ49 B9M3RQ4 -
Barings Fund Managers Limited Barings Fund Managers Limited Korea Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B8DD3Y69 GB00B8DD3Y69 B8DD3Y6 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd ASEAN Frontiers Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B3BC5W20 IE00B3BC5W20 B3BC5W2 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Asia Growth Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B3BC9W00 IE00B3BC9W00 B3BC9W0 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Australia Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B3YQ8T99 IE00B3YQ8T99 B3YQ8T9 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Developed and Emerging Markets High Yield Bond Tranche I Hedged Inc Income GBP IE00B3L6PB37 IE00B3L6PB37 B3L6PB3 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return Tranche C Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BSL73W81 IE00BSL73W81 BSL73W8 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return Tranche C Inc Income GBP IE00BSL73X98 IE00BSL73X98 BSL73X9 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Emerging Markets Debt Short Duration Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BF451801 IE00BF451801 BF45180 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Emerging Markets Local Debt Tranche C Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BKZGL436 IE00BKZGL436 BKZGL43 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Emerging Markets Local Debt Tranche C Inc Income GBP IE00BKZGL543 IE00BKZGL543 BKZGL54 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt Tranche C Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BYXX2J65 IE00BYXX2J65 BYXX2J6 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Europe Select Class J Inc Income GBP IE00BG7PJH91 IE00BG7PJH91 BG7PJH9 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd European High Yield Bond Class D Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B48XQ112 IE00B48XQ112 B48XQ11 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd European High Yield Bond Class I Inc Income GBP IE00B3QRF662 IE00B3QRF662 B3QRF66 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd German Growth Class J Inc Income GBP IE00BG7PJ799 IE00BG7PJ799 BG7PJ79 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Global Emerging Markets Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B67GCC88 IE00B67GCC88 B67GCC8 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Global High Yield Bond Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B7M65Z40 IE00B7M65Z40 B7M65Z4 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Global Resources Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B4V6GM81 IE00B4V6GM81 B4V6GM8 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Global Senior Secured Bond Tranche I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B42ZKT94 IE00B42ZKT94 B42ZKT9 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Global Senior Secured Bond Tranche I Inc Income GBP IE00B42Y6S78 IE00B42Y6S78 B42Y6S7 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Hong Kong China Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B3YV5X70 IE00B3YV5X70 B3YV5X7 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd Latin America Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B64MCJ60 IE00B64MCJ60 B64MCJ6 Factsheet
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd U.S. High Yield Bond Tranche I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BYZRQL61 IE00BYZRQL61 BYZRQL6 -
Barings International Fund Managers (Ireland) Ltd Barings International Ireland Ltd U.S. High Yield Bond Tranche I Inc Income GBP IE00BYZRQM78 IE00BYZRQM78 BYZRQM7 -
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Advantage Asia ex Japan Equity Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BG1DFH12 IE00BG1DFH12 BG1DFH1 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Advantage Emerging Markets Equity Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BG1DFG05 IE00BG1DFG05 BG1DFG0 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Advantage Europe Equity Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BG1DFD73 IE00BG1DFD73 BG1DFD7 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Advantage Europe ex UK Equity Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BG1DFF97 IE00BG1DFF97 BG1DFF9 -
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Advantage US Equity Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BG1DFJ36 IE00BG1DFJ36 BG1DFJ3 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Advantage World Equity Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BG1DFK41 IE00BG1DFK41 BG1DFK4 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Global Unconstrained Equity Class D Acc Accumulation GBP IE000403NHH9 IE000403NHH9 BMZ84F5 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) Global Unconstrained Equity Class D GBP Inc Income GBP IE000XLJYHR7 IE000XLJYHR7 BQ2KS27 -
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Developed Real Estate Index Class D Accumulating GBP Acc Accumulation GBP IE000NGHY476 IE000NGHY476 BNDXYD7 -
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Developed Real Estate Index Class D Hedged Inc Income GBP IE00BKPWSS48 IE00BKPWSS48 BKPWSS4 -
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Developed Real Estate Index Class D Inc Income GBP IE00BFWVNS42 IE00BFWVNS42 BFWVNS4 -
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Developed World ESG Screened Index Class D Inc Income GBP IE00BYZ8K068 IE00BYZ8K068 BYZ8K06 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Developed World Index Class D Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BD0NCL49 IE00BD0NCL49 BD0NCL4 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Developed World Index Class D Hedged Inc Income GBP IE00BGL88775 IE00BGL88775 BGL8877 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Emerging Markets Government Bond Index Class D Hedged Inc Income GBP IE00BKFVZB33 IE00BKFVZB33 BKFVZB3 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares ESG Screened Global Corporate Bond Index Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE000PKMKVX7 IE000PKMKVX7 BL6CBZ8 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Europe ex-UK Index Class D Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BK8V1233 IE00BK8V1233 BK8V123 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares GiltTrak Index Class D Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BD0NC250 IE00BD0NC250 BD0NC25 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Global Inflation-Linked Bond Index Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE000H4Z3PW7 IE000H4Z3PW7 BN6RDL7 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares Green Bond Index Class D Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BD5GZQ41 IE00BD5GZQ41 BD5GZQ4 Factsheet
BlackRock (Dublin) BlackRock (Dublin) iShares UK Credit Bond Index Class D Inc Income GBP IE00BGWKS388 IE00BGWKS388 BGWKS38 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Asian Dragon Class D2 Acc Accumulation GBP LU0827875187 LU0827875187 B7WJ0J2 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Asian Dragon Class D4 Inc Income GBP LU0827875260 LU0827875260 B72VKS7 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Asian Growth Leaders Class D2 Acc Accumulation GBP LU1085282496 LU1085282496 BP25SS1 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Asian Tiger Bond Class D4 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1250979793 LU1250979793 BY7S2W0 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF China Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU0827876078 LU0827876078 B8DV3C8 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Circular Economy Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU2087589854 LU2087589854 BJBCHY0 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Continental European Flexible Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU0827876235 LU0827876235 B7FT6W4 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Continental European Flexible Class D4 Hedged Inc Income GBP LU0827876409 LU0827876409 B8LFDR7 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Continental European Flexible Class D4 Inc Income GBP LU0827876318 LU0827876318 B8DWQ22 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Continental European Flexible Class I4 Inc Income GBP LU1330249563 LU1330249563 BZ5ZC20 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Dynamic High Income Class D5 Hedged Inc Income GBP LU1940842427 LU1940842427 BJK6M82 -
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU0827885491 LU0827885491 B3W47C1 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Class D3 Hedged Inc Income GBP LU0995345831 LU0995345831 BH0WJ85 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF ESG Global Bond Income Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1842103803 LU1842103803 BFWGQW4 -
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Euro Corporate Bond Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1445719088 LU1445719088 BD0CLK3 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Euro Short Duration Bond Class D4 Hedged Inc Income GBP LU0555993434 LU0555993434 B57BW93 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF European Class D4 Inc Income GBP LU0827879098 LU0827879098 B89V0M1 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF European Equity Income Class D5G Hedged Inc Income GBP LU0949170855 LU0949170855 BBVHRJ4 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF European Value Class D2 Acc Accumulation GBP LU0827879338 LU0827879338 B7BW9Y0 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF FinTech Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1861217914 LU1861217914 BG09451 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Fixed Income Global Opportunities Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU0278463947 LU0278463947 B1PF5P6 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Fixed Income Global Opportunities Class D4 Hedged Inc Income GBP LU1294567364 LU1294567364 BYRJS14 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Future of Transport Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1861215629 LU1861215629 BG094J5 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Global Allocation Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU0827880344 LU0827880344 B8DRW63 Factsheet
BlackRock Fund Management Company (Lux) S.A. BlackRock (Lux) BGF Global Corporate Bond Class D2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1222731728 LU1222731728 BWXT999 Factsheet

Important Information

The fund performance on the factsheet provided is:

  • After all fund charges have been taken, excluding the initial charge (if applicable).
  • Assuming all income generated by the investments, after deduction of tax, remains within the fund.

Please bear in mind that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of an investment and any income taken from it may go up and down. Investors could get back less than they put in.

Canada Life has no responsibility for the information contained in the underlying factsheets.

Performance data source: Lipper.