Funds A-Z.

The International Open Investment Range can invest in any asset which meets UK HMRC regulations subject to meeting our admissibility restrictions, this provides access to a universe of over 10,000 funds.

Use our simple filter process below to search for available funds. Please note that the list is not an exhaustive list of funds available within our International products and funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available.

Further queries on fund availability should be directed to our Governance Team ( Please include the relevant fund ISIN number(s) and a copy of the fund prospectus where available.

Funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available. Please be aware that the selection of any fund not on the listing below (especially any domiciled outside the UK) may require us to satisfy additional anti money laundering requirements or complete additional documentation, which could result in delays to your investment instructions being processed.

Canada Life International legacy products, ‘Dimensions Preference’ & ‘Portfolio Account Alpha’, are limited to the “International Core Plus Range” which enables policyholders to select funds in this listing only.

Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) DAC policyholders may not be able to access the fund or specific share class in this online listing.

Fund Information current as at 06/02/2025.


This is not a consumer advertisement. It is intended for professional financial advisers and should not be relied upon by private customers or any other persons and is subject to change.

  • The adviser is responsible for ensuring that funds selected meet clients needs and remains accessible with permitted assets.
  1. Documents
Fund group Fund name
Asset type Currency ISIN
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced (GB) - Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B01XJG64 GB00B01XJG64 B01XJG6 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced (GB) Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B8K9JZ06 GB00B8K9JZ06 B8K9JZ0 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B8K7QM04 GB00B8K7QM04 B8K7QM0 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B86LX253 GB00B86LX253 B86LX25 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B7LB0P54 GB00B7LB0P54 B7LB0P5 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Diversified Return (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B81C8395 GB00B81C8395 B81C839 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Diversified Return (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B8HJ5779 GB00B8HJ5779 B8HJ577 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Global Balanced (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD8YW204 GB00BD8YW204 BD8YW20 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Global Balanced (GB) Exempt Shares 1 Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B01X0R40 GB00B01X0R40 B01X0R4 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth (GB) - Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B0703256 GB00B0703256 B070325 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth (GB) Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7YZFX71 GB00B7YZFX71 B7YZFX7 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B83BJW04 GB00B83BJW04 B83BJW0 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B8454P92 GB00B8454P92 B8454P9 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Growth (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B87BSD02 GB00B87BSD02 B87BSD0 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) - Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP851S62 GB00BP851S62 BP851S6 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) - Inc Income GBP GB00BP851T79 GB00BP851T79 BP851T7 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP851X16 GB00BP851X16 BP851X1 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP851Q49 GB00BP851Q49 BP851Q4 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00BP851R55 GB00BP851R55 BP851R5 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) Sterling Shares Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP851P32 GB00BP851P32 BP851P3 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Income (GB) Sterling Shares Inc Income GBP GB00BP851N18 GB00BP851N18 BP851N1 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) - Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B0702P16 GB00B0702P16 B0702P1 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7VVXF60 GB00B7VVXF60 B7VVXF6 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B7T1DJ29 GB00B7T1DJ29 B7T1DJ2 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) Class U Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BSPPWT88 GB00BSPPWT88 BSPPWT8 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B8GG4B61 GB00B8GG4B61 B8GG4B6 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B7W36529 GB00B7W36529 B7W3652 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Real Return (GB) Sterling Income Shares Inc Income GBP GB0006780323 GB0006780323 0678032 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Responsible Horizons Strategic Bond (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMD53287 GB00BMD53287 BMD5328 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Responsible Horizons Strategic Bond (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00BMD53394 GB00BMD53394 BMD5339 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Responsible Horizons UK Corporate Bond (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B8KK4B40 GB00B8KK4B40 B8KK4B4 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Responsible Horizons UK Corporate Bond (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B8KDLX41 GB00B8KDLX41 B8KDLX4 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Responsible Horizons UK Corporate Bond (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B8KCZN97 GB00B8KCZN97 B8KCZN9 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable European Opportunities (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B8F6YD97 GB00B8F6YD97 B8F6YD9 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable European Opportunities (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B4Q5KM81 GB00B4Q5KM81 B4Q5KM8 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable European Opportunities (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B881HQ54 GB00B881HQ54 B881HQ5 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Dynamic Bond (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00BJBKC497 GB00BJBKC497 BJBKC49 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Dynamic Bond (IE) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BFZMJ537 IE00BFZMJ537 BFZMJ53 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Dynamic Bond (IE) Class W Inc Income GBP IE00BFZMJ644 IE00BFZMJ644 BFZMJ64 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Equity Income (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJ066Z75 GB00BJ066Z75 BJ066Z7 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Equity Income (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00BJ067095 GB00BJ067095 BJ06709 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Real Return (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD6DRD55 GB00BD6DRD55 BD6DRD5 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable Real Return (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00BD6DRF79 GB00BD6DRF79 BD6DRF7 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable UK Opportunities (GB) - Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B0703702 GB00B0703702 B070370 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable UK Opportunities (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B80VQ226 GB00B80VQ226 B80VQ22 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable UK Opportunities (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B8HQWK01 GB00B8HQWK01 B8HQWK0 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon Sustainable UK Opportunities (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B7RLX837 GB00B7RLX837 B7RLX83 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Equity (GB) Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B833J489 GB00B833J489 B833J48 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Equity (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B5BMWQ99 GB00B5BMWQ99 B5BMWQ9 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Equity (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B6X4W596 GB00B6X4W596 B6X4W59 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Equity (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B8GHL294 GB00B8GHL294 B8GHL29 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Income (GB) - Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B0702V75 GB00B0702V75 B0702V7 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Income (GB) - Inc Income GBP GB00B1379189 GB00B1379189 B137918 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Income (GB) Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7NCQK32 GB00B7NCQK32 B7NCQK3 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Income (GB) Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B84BBL20 GB00B84BBL20 B84BBL2 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Income (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7M90R07 GB00B7M90R07 B7M90R0 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon UK Income (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00B7W2G379 GB00B7W2G379 B7W2G37 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon US Equity Income (GB) Class W Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BGV53H32 GB00BGV53H32 BGV53H3 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon US Equity Income (GB) Class W Inc Income GBP GB00BGV53J55 GB00BGV53J55 BGV53J5 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon US Equity Income (IE) Class W Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BD7Y0G10 IE00BD7Y0G10 BD7Y0G1 Factsheet
BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. BNY Mellon US Equity Income (IE) Class W Inc Income GBP IE00BD5M7551 IE00BD5M7551 BD5M755 Factsheet
Brandes Investment Funds PLC Brandes Brandes European Value Fund Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE0031575057 IE0031575057 3157505 -
Brandes Investment Funds PLC Brandes Brandes European Value Fund Class I1 Inc Income GBP IE00BYXWTN61 IE00BYXWTN61 BYXWTN6 -
Brandes Investment Funds PLC Brandes Brandes Global Value Fund Class I Inc Income GBP IE0031574423 IE0031574423 3157442 -
Brandes Investment Funds PLC Brandes Brandes Global Value Fund Class I1 Inc Income GBP IE00B1SHJJ14 IE00B1SHJJ14 B1SHJJ1 -
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory BA Beutel Goodman US Value Fund Sterling Class SI Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BN940L42 IE00BN940L42 BN940L4 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory BA Beutel Goodman US Value Fund Sterling Class SI Inc Income GBP IE00BN940M58 IE00BN940M58 BN940M5 -
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory Global Leaders Fund Sterling Class B H Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BVVHP902 IE00BVVHP902 BVVHP90 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory Global Leaders Fund Sterling Class B Inc Income GBP IE00BYPJ0V09 IE00BYPJ0V09 BYPJ0V0 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory Global Sustainable Total Return Bond Fund (GBP) Sterling Class B Acc Accumulation GBP IE000E587MY6 IE000E587MY6 BNR5DD2 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory Global Sustainable Total Return Bond Fund (GBP) Sterling Class B Inc Income GBP IE000V34XHS4 IE000V34XHS4 BNR5DF4 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Equity Growth Fund Sterling Class B H Inc Income GBP IE00B4MHR723 IE00B4MHR723 B4MHR72 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity Fund Sterling Class B H Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BJ357W50 IE00BJ357W50 BJ357W5 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity Fund Sterling Class B H Inc Income GBP IE00BYPJ0M18 IE00BYPJ0M18 BYPJ0M1 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity Fund Sterling Class B Inc Income GBP IE00BYPJ0K93 IE00BYPJ0K93 BYPJ0K9 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Mid-Cap Growth Fund Sterling Class B Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BYW8R751 IE00BYW8R751 BYW8R75 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Mid-Cap Growth Fund Sterling Class B H Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BYW8R868 IE00BYW8R868 BYW8R86 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Small-Cap Blend Fund Sterling Class B Inc Income GBP IE00BMJJTX76 IE00BMJJTX76 BMJJTX7 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Smaller Companies Fund Sterling Class B H Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BYQFS912 IE00BYQFS912 BYQFS91 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Smaller Companies Fund Sterling Class B Inc Income GBP IE00B0PVDH59 IE00B0PVDH59 B0PVDH5 Factsheet
Brown Advisory Funds Plc Brown Advisory US Sustainable Growth Fund Sterling Class B Inc Income GBP IE00BF1T6X55 IE00BF1T6X55 BF1T6X5 Factsheet
Calamos Calamos Global Convertible Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B66CN792 IE00B66CN792 B66CN79 Factsheet
Calamos Calamos Global Convertible Class Z Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BKRVJH58 IE00BKRVJH58 BKRVJH5 Factsheet
Calamos Calamos Global Convertible Class Z Inc Income GBP IE00BKRVJG42 IE00BKRVJG42 BKRVJG4 Factsheet
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Canaccord Genuity Opportunity R Hedged (Accumulaton) Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BSJCJF06 IE00BSJCJF06 BSJCJF0 -
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management MI Canaccord Genuity Risk Profile 4 B Shares Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BFZNGR77 GB00BFZNGR77 BFZNGR7 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Asia Pacific Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B719QW87 GB00B719QW87 B719QW8 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Corporate Bond Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B6ZMK027 GB00B6ZMK027 B6ZMK02 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Corporate Bond Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B7BW6H22 GB00B7BW6H22 B7BW6H2 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Diversified Monthly Income Class C Inc Income GBP GB00BK5BDD18 GB00BK5BDD18 BK5BDD1 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Diversified Risk Managed VI Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP5J8Z72 GB00BP5J8Z72 BP5J8Z7 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife European Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BKRC1492 GB00BKRC1492 BKRC149 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Global Equity Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B78SPK99 GB00B78SPK99 B78SPK9 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Global Macro Bond Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B4LW2X97 GB00B4LW2X97 B4LW2X9 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Global Macro Bond Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B75H8448 GB00B75H8448 B75H844 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife North American Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B73N3278 GB00B73N3278 B73N327 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Portfolio III Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B96T7P76 GB00B96T7P76 B96T7P7 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Portfolio III Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B8SC7T13 GB00B8SC7T13 B8SC7T1 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Portfolio IV Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B976VR77 GB00B976VR77 B976VR7 Factsheet
Canada Life Investments Canada Life Investments WS Canlife Portfolio IV Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B7R5DQ38 GB00B7R5DQ38 B7R5DQ3 Factsheet

Important Information

The fund performance on the factsheet provided is:

  • After all fund charges have been taken, excluding the initial charge (if applicable).
  • Assuming all income generated by the investments, after deduction of tax, remains within the fund.

Please bear in mind that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of an investment and any income taken from it may go up and down. Investors could get back less than they put in.

Canada Life has no responsibility for the information contained in the underlying factsheets.

Performance data source: Lipper.